

segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2019


Acquiring good pronunciation is the most important part of learning a new
language. Having a good pronunciation, English-speaking people will be able to understand you better and you will understand them better too. 

The goals for learning good pronunciation are 1) to be understood the first time we say something to a native English speaker and 2) to speak with confidence. Pronunciation is the way we say the sounds of the vowels, consonants and their combinations. When we master the skill of correctly pronouncing the sounds of a language, we feel confident in speaking the language.

Accent, according to the dictionary, the way in which people in a particular areacountry, or social group pronounce words. 

In other words, when you master pronouncing the words in English correctly or any other language in fact, you will develop a good foreign accent. 

Accents vary from country to country and region to region and you can pick them up through hearing as long as you develop good pronunciation skills.
You need to learn the language and improve your pronunciation of the language you are learning. 

We, as a bilingual school, focus on developing our teachers´ pronunciation skills so that our students can acquire good pronunciation and communication skills. Pronunciation is part of our CLIL approach with dynamic and meaningful classes. We have teachers with different pronunciation features, some having lived in Canada, England and the United States. Some are expanding their teaching skills on how to teach pronunciation to non-native speakers. By doing so, we are doing our best to prepare students for the present competitive global world.

Portuguese version click here

Ednei Dantas
Bilingual Teacher

Our DNA is Bilingual

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