

segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2019


Bad and bed, what is the difference? Thought, fought or sought, what is the difference?

I have been studying the English language for more than 25 years. I love the language, it is my passion. My goal is to command this language in all its aspects and this includes pronunciation.

In 2001, I was introduced to a Canadian English instructor who specializes in pronunciation. Living here in Brazil for many years, she has identified when Brazilian learners need to improve their pronunciation based on specific difficulties and many common misconceptions that need to be worked through. She became my pronunciation coach and still is whenever I have a doubt.

I have realized that pronunciation is just as important as being fluent. A mispronounced word can jeopardize your message when you are speaking. It can cause misunderstandings or even undermine your business when you are cutting a deal.

Learning how to pronounce words correctly in English is one of our main goals at Babylândia & Atuação Escola Bilíngue. Throughout their school life our students are continually working with the sounds, the pronunciation and rhythm of the English language. Our students are exposed to pronunciation sessions when they are in high school in order to sharpen their pronunciation when speaking English.

As a bilingual teacher, I understand that the more they learn about pronouncing a word correctly, the better they become in speaking English.

In our next post, we will talk about the difference between pronunciation and accent.

Portugese version click here

Ednei Dantas(Bilingual Teacher)

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